
Fashion. Is. Back.

One weekend.

Two watch parties.

Get an exclusive front-row seat at Sifa’s Fashion Show with designs from our 2020 graduates!


100% of ticket sales go directly back into Sifa to help break the poverty cycle for more women. Upgrade your ticket to an individual VIP-level or host a virtual party for an even bigger impact - you’ll receive a special Sifa gift, message from the graduate designers, a watch-party swag bag, exclusive giveaways and more!

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A virtual ticket can cover the cost of material for 1 student for a month!

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A VIP ticket
can cover the cost of a start-up
sewing kit for a student!

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A Virtual Host ticket can cover the cost of a sewing machine and apron for one student!



Behind the runway, behind the designs, are the students. These young women are the heart of our ministry because we’re passionate about life-change from the inside out. We’re a faith-based, gospel-centered artisanal-training school where young women leave equipped to be successful small business owners who invest in their own communities. Their capstone project is a fashion show where the skills they’ve learned actually walk down the runway.





How will people view this? 

We’re using Youtube Premiere which is an awesome way to control what we post, and make sure everyone is watching at the same time. It even has reminders for viewers and a countdown prior to the start time!

Why just 2 nights?

We want to make this a special, limited time event. Won’t it be cool to know that hundreds of other people all across the country are watching the very same thing, at the same time?? We also understand that people’s schedules get crazy this time of year, so we’re offering it for 2 nights.

Why different ticket prices?

We know that people have varying comfort levels with social gatherings and want to be sensitive to that. So we’re offering 2 different ‘individual’ ticket options, and for those who are comfortable, have a hostess option where the evening can be turned into a fun ‘watch party’ event.

How can I help?

Yay! We can’t do it without you! Here are a few ways to help:

  • Buy your ticket! 

  • Host a viewing party - in a covid-friendly way, of course! Your home, your church, your work all make for great viewing locations. *We even heard that Danny, Christian and Sarah are available and eager to jump on mics and MC the evening!* (It’s true!)

  • Spread the word! 

    • Like and share our posts

    • Engage with your network about the watch parties

    • Tag people who may be interested

    • Tell people about it and...

    • Share, share share!

  • Join in the packing parties!  

    • The evenings of 12/2-12/4, we’ll be packing up and shipping out VIP swag bags and hostess boxes at Tupelo House at 6:00 pm each night. Come join the fun!