Daima Fashion
by Daima James Samwely
She completed her secondary through Form IV in Mpwapwa. Discouraged after school that she could not further her education, she was excited to have the opportunity to apply and enter Sifa. Daima will be joining fellow student Sylivia in opening a small sewing school and business for young women to help fund their school.
Daima Fashion
by Daima James Samwely
She completed her secondary through Form IV in Mpwapwa. Discouraged after school that she could not further her education, she was excited to have the opportunity to apply and enter Sifa. Daima will be joining fellow student Sylivia in opening a small sewing school and business for young women to help fund their school.
Daima Fashion
by Daima James Samwely
She completed her secondary through Form IV in Mpwapwa. Discouraged after school that she could not further her education, she was excited to have the opportunity to apply and enter Sifa. Daima will be joining fellow student Sylivia in opening a small sewing school and business for young women to help fund their school.